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Next one please! Type2 Bay panel.

When completing of the single gets stuck, the guys work on the next bus. They started to disassembling and cleaning the bay panel. It is a very good base, need minor body work only where it was "restored" before...
Cleaning pop-outs for the split

Az internetnek és a thesamba.com-nak köszönhetek jópár kedves barátot, aki készséggel segít ha szükségem van valamire. Olavo is közéjük tartozik, aki Braziliában él. Ő segített több garnitúra nyitható ablak beszerzésében. Ott olcsó, hiszen a brazil bogarak még a hetvenes években is kis oldalablakokkal rendelkeztek, s a meleg éghajlat miatt igen sokban megtalálható volt az itthon ritkaságnak számító extra. Többféle gyártó jelét is megfigyelhetjük az üvegeken: Blindex vagy Temperite Vidrobras. A kilincsek is különbözőek, nem mindegyikben van gyári szám, vagy jel...
Thanks for the internet and thesamba.com I have found good friends around the World, who help me when I'm ina need or trouble. One of the good friends is Olavo from Brazil, who had help to find early pop-outs for my Bugs. The small verison is cheap there, because the brazilian made VWs had small sidewindows up to the 70s or so and many of them were equipeed by pop-outs because the warm climate. There were several mnufacturer like Blindex or Temperite Vidrobras as it visible from the diffrenet logos on the glasses. The latches are differents also, some of them has part number, others has just a VW logo, the others are not wears any sign...
The new look of George's outlaw 356
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